The producer/DJ says the reason he was chosen for the new Britney Spears album is because he doesn’t go through usual route in making music.
While Britney Spears and her team remain secretive about her next studio installment, Rhapsody managed to reveal one producer who contributes to the project. Met at the recent Lollapalooza, U.K. DJ Rusko confirmed his involvement and explained what he has in mind.
“I worked with Britney, T.I. and Rihanna. I’m a musician you know, and I just wanted to do something with big chords, big melodies”, he said. “When you’re making dance music the number one rule is to keep is simple, and as a dance music producer doing electronic music I keep it simple and often have to take stuff out but when you’re doing pop songs, you have to put as much in as you can ; as much melody and music as possible.”
When asked whether he is tempted to do something crazy for Britney’s song, Rusko replied,“Well the thing is, they could go to the regular people who make hit pop records if they wanted something straight, but the whole reason they came to me was because I make more weird music anyway, so I already have a license to be crazy with it.” Without hesitancy, he added, “It’s Britney, she’s got money. If she didn’t want crazy she could ask someone who had a massive string of hit albums before, you know ?”
Source : Aceshowbiz